A comprehensive toolkit to support a seamless and personalised assessment lifecyle within your LMS created in collaboration with UK HE institutions
A toolkit born out of CoSector’s extensive experience of working with the assessment lifecycle
Assessment has always been a core part of CoSector’s digital learning provision, resulting in a comprehensive toolkit to support institution’s in their delivery of assessments. CoSector worked with sector bodies and a consortium of UK HE institutions to create The Assessment Toolkit. The toolkit is designed to manage submission, marking and moderation within a higher education institution with a dedicated feature set.
- supports a range of assessment types (including digital, physical and event-based scenarios)
- provides academics with a consistent set of marking, moderation and feedback tools to enable high-quality feedback for students
- helps manage student personal deadlines and extensions (including self-certified)
- highlights to markers students with specific needs
- allocate markers to submission using either manual or automated approaches (single- and double-marked)
- supports cohort sampling
- integrates with third-party similarity services to assist with the identification of potential student misconduct
- define and create coursework instances in bulk with specified settings
- manage mitigation requests
- bulk upload of examination documents
- extract grades in pre-formatted outputs for upload to student records system
- generate operational reports with the Report Dashboard
- generate submissions data summaries for ingesting into data warehouse our similar
- assess status of submissions at a glance from the My Assessments dashboard
Get in touch
If you are interested in how our assessment toolkit can revolutionise your assessment experience and save your academics time, get in touch.
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Case study
A new student experience for the University of Plymouth
Implemented a comprehensive new Moodle-based digital environment that integrated all aspects of the student experience.