
Key benefits

Enhanced, personalised student experience

Integration of Moodle with various university systems provides a seamless, personalized learning environment.

Improved student engagement

Over 10,000 students provide feedback annually, enhancing the learning experience.

Sophisticated analytics

Use of learner analytics to drive improved student retention, satisfaction, and success.

Ongoing innovation

Continuous improvements in accessibility, integration, and responsiveness, particularly on mobile.

Our approach

Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) partnered with CoSector – University of London to upgrade its learning technology platform from Blackboard WebCT to Moodle in 2011. This transition aimed to create a student-oriented, blended learning environment by integrating Moodle with various university systems, including Student Records, Timetabling, and Library.

The project required breaking down organizational boundaries and reconceptualizing departmental software as services centered around the learner. Despite the ambitious timeline, the project was delivered on time, enhancing MMU’s student satisfaction scores.

CoSector provided a customized Moodle system, continuously upgrading and improving its performance. The VLE now supports approximately 40,000 users and receives 50 million hits annually. Students have embraced Moodle as a two-way communication channel, providing valuable feedback that drives targeted enhancements.

The partnership has led to numerous innovations, including learner analytics, coursework submission tracking, lecture capture, video tagging, and a Fitbit-style learning tracker. MMU is also working on integrating Moodle with Microsoft tools for seamless learning environments.

Overall, the collaboration between MMU and CoSector has significantly enhanced the student experience, engagement, and success through continuous innovation and sophisticated use of technology.


CoSector – University of London’s position as a centre of excellence for Moodle hosting and development has helped us to enrich Moodle and make it the heart of the online student experience.

Through some clever use of personalisation and webservices, we have used Moodle to wrap the University around the learner, bringing resources and information to the student, rather than forcing them to search across various systems.

Mark Stubbs, Head of Learning and Research Technologies

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Case study

A new examination and assessment system for the University of Exeter

The University of Exeter had been struggling to harness the power of modern assessment tools and its students were finding it difficult to draw on resources from previous years to support their learning.

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